
I run, but also a lot of the time I don’t run. I’m a slow runner, and I am at peace with that, because I’m not a competitive runner, not even against myself. I’ve had a few injuries to my hip, knee and foot, which has given me a very stop start trajectory - but I persevere.

I run because I like the feeling of physical strength. I like the feeling of achievement, even after a small run. I like knowing that I’m doing something good for myself. But mostly, I like how it clears my head. My mental health is always better when I’m running regularly.


Personal Bests

I’ve never really been one to try to beat my PB. Consistency is a hard enough target for me. But for fun, here are my numbers.

10K1:02:032018Leeds Abbey Dash
Half marathon2:32:382019Edinburgh Half Marathon

My running timeline

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