My blog posts on coding have this little warning sticker at the top of them:
If you're not into that, maybe skip this one! (What's this?)
I added these in a sort of compromise to myself.
Lisa, why are you writing about coding on a sewing & knitting blog?
Well, it’s not a sewing & knitting blog! It used to be exclusively about those topics - but I’m free of those shackles now, and I’m writing about whatever I want. Coding is part of me, my story, and the way I think, so I want to have somewhere to talk about it too. Plus, it’s good to learn in public!
That said, I’m conscious that the audiences for these topics don’t enormously overlap (although they very much do overlap).
Why put a warning sign on it, though?
I suspect most of my audience will be here for the crafts content, and I don’t want to turn those folks off. The label is an attempt to communicate:
- This kind of content is an outlier here
- I know this topic won’t be even remotely interesting to the majority of my readers
My fear is that it’s condescending. I absolutely don’t intend that. Really, I just don’t want to surprise people with an infodump of techy stuff when they’re not interested at all.
So why not have a “crafts warning” so you don’t scare off the tech folks?
Haha, no. There’s no way anyone’s not interested in the minutiae of my sewing and knitting hobby.