I’m back on the sewing train!
I have an event to attend this weekend and I fancied making a nice dress for it, as my wardrobe is lacking in the “nice day dress” department. I have a couple of workhorse dresses that I always turn to, but I want more choices.
I’ve got a bit of post-viral fatigue going on, so I chose a familiar project to keep the effort level relatively low. I’ve made the Lyra dress by Tilly and the Buttons a couple of times before, and I had plenty of appropriate fabric in my stash. (Full disclosure - I was actually a pattern tester so I got my copy of the pattern for free.)
What didn’t click for me until I’d started cutting out the fabric was that I’m actually using the same fabric as is used in Tilly and the Buttons’ marketing for the pattern! Whoops. I usually try to steer clear of copying other people’s makes, but I don’t really mind with this one. I mean, the fabric really really does work for this dress. (Plus, I made the midi-length, so mine’s different anyway!)
While I was assembling the bodice, I tried it on and I got really excited about the idea of a sleeveless cropped shirt in this fabric - doesn’t it look great with these pink shorts?
I have a little leftover fabric, so I’m going to see if I have enough to make this happen. I’m thinking of using the Helen’s Closet Gilbert shirt pattern.
One thing I’m not super happy about is the collar stand. I find collar stands really fiddly to sew evenly, so I unpick and re-press and re-stitch until it works. This, obviously, takes ages. In the name of “perfect is the enemy of done”, I’ve allowed myself to have some sloppy stitching on this dress (where it’s not visible), but I’ve vowed to invest some effort into learning a good technique. So I’ve picked my copy of Shirtmaking off the shelf.
I first read this years ago, before I’d ever tried to make a proper shirt. But I think the information will be more meaningful to me now that I have a few stand collars under my belt (as it were). Looking forward to learning some more precise techniques.
Knitting Update
On the knitting front, I now have two projects on the go. Here’s the Birthday Sweater (by Ankestrick) - so very close to done!
Annoyingly I ran out of the dark pink just before the end of the first sleeve - but I think the light pink cuff situation is effective.
I’ve cast on my Marzipan Pullover (by Sari Nordlund) for knit club, too - in Drops Nepal:
The cables have only just started - but I’m already enjoying them! It’s been literally 9 years since I last knitted a complex cable pattern - I made a whopping great big Umaro blanket as a gift for family back in 2013:
Cables are super satisfying. A bit slow, but they look like magic.
Thanks for reading. See you next week!